Wednesday 22 November 2017

Planning : Group Post - Target Audience Research for Rough Cut

1]  Do you understand the narrative of the music video?

2]  Do you understand the relationship between the two characters and how it changes?

3]  Did you notice the costume changes? Which costume do you prefer/ remember/ like the best?

4]  Do you think the locations are effective? Which location do you feel worked well?

5]  Do you think visuals and lyrics matched?

6]  What was your favourite shot and why?

7]  Which shots didn’t you like? Didn’t understand?

8]  Do you understand the meaning behind the cards? What do you think they represent?

9]  What representations have been created? 

10]  Does this music video launch the male singer as a new star? Would this video make you look online for more information about him? 

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